Feminist Frequency Nordic Adventures Visual Arts

How to crack the Swedish language and empower Immigrant Women

Reading and writing are key skills to survive in the modern world. Sadly, illiteracy, poverty, and exclusion are intertwined, with a significant gender gap. In this post, we explore how Livstycket, a nonprofit in Sweden, used functional pedagogy combining language lessons with crafts to help illiterate women learn Swedish. Their approach empowered immigrant women, boosting self-esteem and fostering integration.

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Creative Projects Nordic Adventures Visual Arts

Journaling and wandering around: a magic combo

Traveling is one of the things I love the most. The reason? I like to discover new places and have adventures, but I think the main reason is that I enjoy life more when I travel. There is a mindset that turns on almost automatically when I start a trip. I am more open to stepping out of my comfort zone, being spontaneous, exploring, and connecting with people. I am more ludic and I approach things with more curiosity. It feels as if I squeezed life and fully absorbed it.
A question I regularly pose to myself is: do we need to leave our hometowns to adopt this mindset?

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